Medicare CMS's reimbursements for CCM (chronic care management) and RPM (remote patient monitoring) provide even more support for practices to expand care for chronic illness patient populations in 2022.
By integrating non-face-to-face and remote care methods, practices, systems, and community centers have added secure, diversified revenue sources. Here are the updated codes for initial billing and their values.
*RHC/FQHC only
Can you afford to pass up personalized care, better compliance and increased enrollments? Find out.
*Already a subscriber? Get your estimate here.
Since 2016 Vital Health Links has been an industry leader in doctor-led remote care. Our clinical CCM and Vital Remote LinksĀ® RPM solutions provide complete support from implementation to ongoing patient compliance and enrollment.
Learn more about Vital Remote Links' no-cost RPM equipment, Schedule a Q & A with our patient care expert physicians.